training - 10 posts

3 Aspects of Training in Yang family Taijiquan
Published: 11/9/2017
We have all read and heard stories about the near magical skills achieved by some Taijiquan masters of the past. Many people find the skills for which the art became famous illusive. Nonetheless we st...
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Cheng Man Ching's
Published: 11/20/2016
Many of us have heard time and time again the famous saying of the late Prof. Cheng Man Ching to “invest in loss”. What does this mean? What did the professor mean when he said it? It is not easy to k...
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What is “Internal” Anyway?
Published: 11/20/2016
For as long as I have been an enthusiast of the “internal arts,” a passionate debate has been raging on, as to what exactly qualifies as an “internal art.” With no consensus in sight! And often accomp...
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Interview with Sifu Adam Mizner - Tai Chi Chuan Magazine
Published: 11/20/2016
Adam Mizner recently appeared on the taiji scene, predominantly via a few well-placed videos and links to websites containing minimal information other than video film. The films seemed to focus on pu...
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Timing, Placement and Power
Published: 11/20/2016
When I am teaching classes or workshops on taijiquan I always emphasize the three principles of timing, placement and power. These three skills are not only fundamental to acquiring real world taijiqu...
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Relax the shoulders in Taiji and Qigong
Published: 11/20/2016
One of the fundamental principles of Taijiquan for martial arts and Taiji-gong for health is to relax and sink the shoulders. It is so fundamental that it is listed in Yang Cheng Fu’s famous ten point...
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Years of experience
Published: 8/16/2016
I seem to make it pretty clear that there isn't a single aspect of standing post practice that I enjoy. I would say that perhaps I enjoy the end of standing, but that's not true. I'm merely relieved a...
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The Workshop Works!
Published: 8/16/2016
Last month I was fortunate enough to participate in Sifu Adam Mizner’s workshop in Athens, Alabama. This was the third workshop I’ve attended with Sifu Mizner, and once again, his teachings left me (a...
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The good, the bad and the bitter standing
Published: 8/16/2016
The following is an observation of a daily internal dialogue that often rambles its way through my mind (I never get lonely). I remember a guy wanting to learn taijiquan once when I was in Miami. We ...
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Taiji-gong: Finding the right teacher
Published: 8/12/2016
You shall know them by their fruits When a new student of taiji-gong is searching for a teacher, it can be a daunting and confusing time. There are many claims by students and teachers alike, so who s...
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