Qi Gong, breathing for a positive life
by Adam Mizner
It is an undeniable fact that the most powerful tool we posses is our mind. The mind can give us pleasure or pain, stress or peace. Often life unfolds in ways that we cannot control, yet even in such times we can influence our mental state and lead it in a positive direction. When we have a developed and skillful mental state, that can also lead more material aspects of our life into a more positive direction.

The results of hypnosis and affirmations are well known, those who practice qi gong (chi kung) or taijiquan also know the benefits of working directly with relaxation, breathing and intention. When we bring the qualities of these practices together we can have a very powerful practice for self transformation.
Qi Gong – breathing through the pores
It is not the purpose of this article, nor is it particularly useful for ones personal practice, to dwell on the reality of what qi is… as I see it, qi is a word used to point at a specific process, this process will differ depending on the exercise. Knowing this we can move forward and gain some experience in the process – after all, in the internal arts, “comprehension comes from doing”.
The most import skill for this exercise is the ability to create a feeling in the mind and body. Once a feeling is created that feeling is by its very own existence real. The distinction between feelings made by the mind and those made by material stimulation, holds little value here. What matters is that you feel.
• relax the body and mind
• bring the mind to the present moment
• accept the body and mind and give yourself kindness
• let go of all internal dialogue, quiet the mind
• bring your attention to the natural breath
• bring your attention to the skin over the whole body
• relax deeper to open the pores
• breathe in qi from around you through the pores
• breathe the qi back out through the pores
Affirmation – impregnating the Qi with Yi
The next stage of this exercise is in working directly with the yi (intention). The ability to keep the mind gently focused, without allowing it to wander, is what will dictate the quality of the results in your practice. It is important to relax and keep the affirmation in mind, rather that focusing in a stiff way. If you focus too hard, the mind will become tired and stressed and begin to wander.
You can choose any positive change you want to make within your self. What is important is that you feel this change happening. Feel and know this change as a reality in the present moment. The idea is that you have complete faith that the qi you are breathing in holds within it your chosen quality. As you breathe in the qi throughout the pores, you feel not only the qi filling your body, but also the quality that you wish to develop, filling your mind and body with the qi, this quality must become a reality in the here and now, as you breathe out simply feel the quality solidify within you.
For example, we should all strive to become more calm and peaceful. We would go through the exercise exactly as above, in the standard qi breathing method. When we have a feel for it, then we bring our attention to the quality of calm and peace. We breathe in the qi which holds within it deep calm and peace. What matters is the feeling of peace, you must make that feeling within the mind. Conviction is the key to your success!
• relax the body and mind
• bring the mind to the present moment
• accept the body and mind and give yourself kindness
• let go of all internal dialogue, quiet the mind
• bring your attention to the natural breath
• bring your attention to the skin over the whole body
• relax deeper to open the pores
• breathe in qi from around you through the pores
• breathe the qi back out through the pores
• feel the quality of calm in the qi around you
• breathe in the quality of calm
• breathe out feeling calm deepen within you
• continue until the mind and body are feeling calm and peaceful.
• make a strong mental affirmation that you have increased in the chosen quality e.g calm.
When you practice this qi breathing with affirmations, it is important to practice consistently and to only use one affirmation until you gain some success. I have personally used this method for many many things and find it simple and effective. Enjoy your practice and become the best you can be.